Winter Skin Care

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Checkup: Winter Skin

What are the signs?

The indicative symptoms of dry skin are simple to spot, Skin just usually feels drier and several. Other signs may contain roughness, itching, serious redness, flaking and scaling. Sometimes pores become less observable or skin may seems dull. In serious cases, skin may collapse and bleed, particularly on the hands and fingertips.

Why does it occur?

Sun contact or cold, dry air can effect skin to become dehydrated. Dry skin is very common in the winter as the air has less humidity. It can also be hereditary or heredity, or a natural result of aging.

What are your options?

Over the counter creams, can overcome dryness and flaking. Or use a body cream that hold oil to help seal in moisture. Look for perfume free products, which lightly exfoliate to provide more water and moisture into the skin.

Stay away from antibacterial and deodorant soaps, which can be severe and drying. Instead, use a mild cleanser, such as Dove or Aveeno, or a slight shower gel with additional moisturizers.

Don't take very hot baths, or shower or sit in the tub for more than 10 minutes. Doing so breaks down your skin's natural defensive oils, which possess it easy and smooth. Use a humidifier throughout the winter. Central warming and space heaters can dry out the air in your home.

Choose natural, breathable clothes, such as cotton and silk, for your comforter and intimate layer of clothing.

Drink maximum water and other juices to keep skin hydrated from the inside out. Omega-3s can also benefit keep skin soft.

When should you concern?

See a dermatologist if dryness and irritation keep you wakeful at night, if OTC lotions aren't effective, if you have open spots or huge areas of scaling or peeling skin, or if you develop an infection from itching. You could have an additional serious illness such as eczema, psoriasis or another skin disorder.

Did you know?

Although everybody's skin transforms with age, a man's skin tends to stay moist extensive. That's for a woman's skin converts much drier after menopause. The best time to apply lotion is instantly after a shower or bath, when skin is still wet.

Since dry skin is additional complex, its vital defend it from the sun, particularly if it's snowing. Apply SPF 15 or higher each day to your face, neck and ears. Read more about 5 Ways to Protect Dry Skin.

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