Sweet And Sour Fish

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Sweet And Sour Fish


  1. Whole Fish: (1/2 kg) 1
  2. German Chilies: 4
  3. Lemon Leaves: 6
  4. Finely Chopped Ginger: 2 tsp
  5. Finely Chopped Garlic: 2 tsp
  6. Oil: 2 tbsp

Ingredients For Sauce:

  1. Oil: 1 tbsp
  2. Lemon Juice: 4 tbsp
  3. Sweet Chili Sauce: 4 tbsp
  4. Fish Sauce: 2 tbsp


For sauce making take 1 tbsp oil, 4 tbsp lemon juice, 4 tbsp sweet chili sauce and 2 tbsp fish sauce and combine it and then cook for 2 minutes. Sauce is ready.

Now wash the fish and put cuts on it.

In a bowl take 2 tbsp oil, 4 long cut German chilies, 6 lemon leaves, 2 tsp fully chopped garlic, 2 tsp fully chopped ginger and ½ tsp salt and combine it completely and fill it in the fish. Also put it on the fish.

Now bake it for 15 to 20 minutes on 200C in an oven proof dish.

Now grill it in a grill oven for 10 minutes and serve it with sauce.
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