Green Tea Medication

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Green Tea Medication

The people of China have identified about and consumed Green Tea as a medicine for over four thousand years.

Legend has it that the Chinese ruler Shen Nung was drinking a cup of hot water when some tea leaves fell into his cup by mistake. He drank it and found it tasted delicious. He routine to make the tea and discovered its many healing -effects.

Shen Nung’s discovery extent all throughout China and soon became the most well-liked drink in the country. Modern science has lastly verified what the Chinese previously knew. Green tea is good for you and covers many beneficial effects that can keep a person fit and strong.

Green and black tea are made from the leaves of a plant named Camellia sinensis. The main change between the two are the way in which they are produced.

Green tea is not fermented. This just means that the tea leaves are steamed right after being selected. This stops the leaves from oxidizing. This is the cause that the leaves stay green.

This procedure keeps the health helping active ingredients completely intact.

Unlike green tea, black tea leaves are fermented. This reasons the leaves to drop their enzymes and most of their nutritional worth. These two very changed manufacture processes make green and black tea have dissimilar chemical properties.

Most of green tea’s health advantages are derived from its high antioxidant substance. These are entitled flavonoids or polyphenols. Green tea holds the same kind of antioxidants that fresh fruit contains. Three cups of green tea have the same quantity of antioxidants as six fresh apples.

What’s so significant about antioxidants? They protect your body from dangerous free radicals and the oxidation they source to your body’s cells. Free radicals are very damaging to the body and can effect cancer and other awful health problems.

Even though all kinds of teas are healthy, green tea is the superlative for the reason that its very high flavoring content.

Some of the several health benefits of drinking green tea are:

Greatly strengthens the immune system

Lowers Cholesterol

Lowers High Blood Pressure

Helps Reduce Inflammation

Aids Proper Digestion

Promotes Respiratory Health

Possesses Anti-bacterial Properties

Helps Clear Up Acne

Lowers Blood Sugar

Helps In Reducing Weight

These are the Best use of Green Tea and mostly persons have heard about the use of green tea for losing weight. It’s in fact very common these days. It is understood that drinking green tea speeds up fat oxidation. Also green tea supports you burn more calories per day.

Green tea is so cheap and offers so many health benefits, everybody should at least give it a try.

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