23 Magical Bridges

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Rakotz Brücke, Germany

Bridges That Belong In Dreams And Fairy Tales

“Love is like a river flowing through your heart. I’ll bring the boat, if you bring the bridge.
” - Jarod Kintz

23 Beautiful Bridges of the World

Devil’s Bridge in Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria

Evgeni Dinev

Huangshan, Anhui, China

KM CHeng

Mullerthal, Luxembourg

Kilian Schönberger

Ronda, Malaga, Spain

Zu Sanchez

Moon Bridge, Taipei, Taiwan

Alexandra Cazac

Multnomah Falls, Oregon, USA

Putt Sakdhnagool

Glenfinnan Viaduct, Scotland

Daniel Korzhonov

Pindos Mountains, Greece

Christina Fryle

Root Bridge, India

Andy Holt

Låtefossen Waterfall, Norway

Max Rive

Gorge De L’areuse, Switzerland

Vincent Bourrut

Gaztelugatxe, Spain

Pedro Jarque Krebs

Carrbridge, Scotland

John Taggart

Basteibrücke, Saxon Switzerland, Germany


Kemer Bridge, Rize, Turkey

Büşra Demir

Shahara Bridge, Yemen

Pascale Reinhardt

Hermitage Bridge, Scotland

Daniel Korzhonov

Stari Most, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mikel HS

Leshan, Sichuan Province, China

Jacqueline Hogan

Tollymore Forest Park, Northern Ireland

Stephen Emerson

Bridge over Voidomatis River, Vikos Gorge, Greece

Katerina Rassia

Gapstow Bridge, New York, USA

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